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Sustainability Actions Plans and Policies

See how we are working to help the environment

Sustainability Action Plans and Policies

See how we are working to help the environment

Bishop Otter Campus

Sustainability Strategy 2023-2028

Planning to protect our local and global environment

As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, we believe we must manage all aspects of our operations that impact on the environment and deliver a sustainable future for the University, our local and global communities.

The university has developed a five-year sustainability strategy which maps onto the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals. The strategy contains our roadmap to carbon net-zero and sets a range of objectives and targets for our community of students and staff to work toward.

Biodiversity Action Plan

Enhancing biodiversity across both of our campuses

The university is working to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity as well as engage students and staff in projects and initiatives to improve our campuses.


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Friendly Campus Squirrel
Tech Park

Carbon Management Plan

Reducing our carbon emissions to help protect the environment

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing our planet and all universities and colleges have a vital role in tackling it.

The whole of the university has a part to play and we are actively engaging with staff and students to enlist their support to meet our environmental objectives.

The University has successfully reduced its carbon emissions by 42% since 2007.

Sustainability Statement

How we work to protect our environment for the future

The University of ̨Íåswag is fully committed to environmental stewardship and the principles of sustainable development.

It accepts its environmental responsibilities and recognises the positive contributions it can make to the resolution of global, regional and local environmental issues, including climate change.

The Dome Bognor Campus
Farmer sowing seeds with the 2 star Fairtrade University logo in the corner


Supporting better conditions and pay for farmers and workers

The Fairtrade Organisation is a charity which works with businesses, consumers and campaigners to ensure farmers and workers in developing countries obtain better prices, decent working conditions and a fair deal for the products they produce. Fairtrade do this by setting social, economic and environmental standards.

For farmers and workers, the standards include protection of workers’ rights and the environment. For companies they include the payment of the Fairtrade Minimum Price and an additional Fairtrade Premium to invest in business or community projects of the community’s choice. Products which have met these standards carry the Fairtrade mark.

Fairtrade products can be found all over the University, from the clothing range and Ben & Jerrys ice cream available in the SU shop to chocolate, juices, coffee and much more in our Otters Restaurants.

Waste management

Using more sustainable approaches to waste management

As a society we are consuming natural resources at an unprecedented rate creating mountains of waste that require disposal.

The University of ̨Íåswag works to reduce the amount of waste we produce, maximise the levels of recycling, and to promote environmental awareness among staff, students and other stakeholders. In order to reduce our impact on the environment we need everyone to help.

Climbing Wall at Bishop Otter Campus
Otter Restaurant Bishop Otter Campus

Sustainable Food Charter

Helping to provide sustainable food to staff, students and visitors

The University of ̨Íåswag and the Students' Union are committed to providing healthy, affordable and sustainable food to staff, students and visitors through all catering outlets subject to the quality and availability of products.

Key to sustainable food practices are important issues such as waste minimisation, resource efficiency and promotion of sustainable procurement and Fairtrade products.

Sustainable Travel Plan

Changing the way our staff and students travel to and between our campuses

The University aims to provide the means and encouragement to staff, students and visitors to travel to, and between, its campuses by the most sustainable manner possible.

We strive to raise awareness across the university community, and by sharing our knowledge and enthusing today’s students, they will become future leaders who aspire for a sustainable future.

Students outisde Learning Resource Centre

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